Benzie Sunrise Foundation
The Benzie Sunrise Foundation was chartered by the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Club in 2008 as a charitable non-profit organization under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code. Its purpose is to provide a tax-deductible vehicle for individual Club members and others in the community to support the charitable, service-oriented projects of the Club. The Foundation also can be utilized by those wishing to make memorials and other special tributes.
All of the funds obtained by the Foundation are earmarked to support qualified eligible charitable projects. The funds are available to qualifying recipients upon approval of the Foundation’s Board of Trustees. Grant application guidelines and forms are available as Download Files on the Home page. Inquiries should be directed to Dave Wynne (231-352-8027).
Foundation Officers Directors
Dave Wynne, President Carol Burns (2021-2024) Phil Lambert (2021-2024)
Phyllis Kladder, Treasurer Gary Gordon (2022-2025) Paul Clulo (2022-2025)
Carol Burns, Secretary Jim Drubert (2023-2026) Warren Richter (2023-2026)
The majority of funds raised for annual grant distributions by the Foundation,
are secured through sponsorships of the Bike Benzie Tour