Posted by John Ester on Oct 15, 2019
Amanda Elliott is employed by Child & Fanily Services of Northwestern Michigan in its YouthWork program, an AmeriCorps program modeled after the old Civil Conservation Corps.
YouthWork strives to teach Michign youth (ages 16-26) job and life skills through learning-based service projects.  These are low-cost environmental service projects to local communities throughout Michigan.  YouthWork crews are divided into crews of 3-6 youth that are "hired" by partners like the National Parks Service, local parks and recreation departments and other government agencies and nonprofits.
YouthWork participants learn important job and life skills while completing lasting projects in their home communities.  As AneriCorps members they have the opportunity to earn living stipends and education awards if they succeed in the program.
When YouthWork members complete local service projects, our communities receive quality service at a reduced cost and users enjoy improved trails and the like.  YouthWork project partners have included Grand Traverse Regional Land Conservancy, Grass River Natural Area, Inland Seas, Michigan DNR and Grow Benzie, to name a few.