Longtime Crystal Lake resident and author Stacy Daniels appeared as his alter ego Archibald Jones to describe the 1873 lowering of Crystal Lake.
In 1873 Archibald Jones formed the Benzie County River Improvement Company with a plan to construct canals and "improve water lots" around Crystal Lake.  Ignored by Jones was the fact that Crystal Lake was some 38' above Lake Michigan.  After the digging of channels and the construction of temporary dams the "plug was pulled" in August of 1873 not by Jones but by a huge storm that lowered the lake level by 20' and created the 21 miles of beach enjoyed today.
The Crystal Lake Outlet Dam was built in 1912-1913, later modified by the cutting of a V notch and then the elimination of the top foot of the dam.  The dam was rebuilt in 1978.
Each year Archibald Jones Day is celebrated at Crystal Lake the last weekend before Labor Day.  Plenty more information about Crystal Lake and Archibald Jones can be found in Stacy's recently released 296-page book:  The Comedy of Crystal Lake.