Jeff Coil, District Governor of District 6290, joined us to share and elaborate on Rotary International President, Gordon McInally's theme for the year of "Create Hope in the World."
Joined by his lovely wife, Jan, Jeff shared with us Rotary International President Gordon McInally's call to "Create Hope in the World" by working for peace and mental well being. This can be done at the local level through Club membership by being there for fellow members (President Jim Drubert shared a personal story of how important this was for him following the passing of his wife). It can also be achieved through the many projects of the Rotary Foundation locally, regionally, at the District level and through RI.
The most well known of these is the effort to eradicate polio, but Jeff also made us aware of Hanwash: Haiti Clean Water, Sanitation and Health Initiative to provide clean water. District 6290 is focused on drilling a well in Terre Neuve, Haiti.
President McInally is calling on Rotarians worldwide to create hope in the world by engaging in tough conversations and earn the trust that is necessary to realize our values.
Jeff also called our attention to his desire to grow participation in the Life Leadership Conference to 3 students per Club and encouraged us to attend the District Conference scheduled for May 3 and 4, 2024 at the Double JJ Resort in Rothbury, Michigan.