Fellow Rotarian Steve Fine is the president of the Melanoma Education Foundation, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit which he founded in 1998 after his son died of melanoma at the age of 26.
As its name would suggest, the primary activity of the Foundation is educating students and adults about self-detecting melanoma while it is curable. Prior to Covid 19 over 1,700 schools in all 50 U.S. states and Canada were using on-line lessons furnished by the Foundation. In addition Steve has provided more than 400 complimentary presentations to more than 400 Rotary Clubs in the U.S. and Canada.
In his presentation, Steve describes the various types of skin cancer and the risk they pose. He suggests that we be our own advocates, learning how to recognize cancerous cells and checking for them monthly. While some locations are more likely to have suspicious growths than others (like backs for men and the back of legs for women), all areas should be checked.
With respect to tanning the sun is not the only culprit. Tanning booths are the absolute worst. Sun blocks can be effective but must be applied in larger quantities than one might think. Useful information for us all. To view the recording of Steve Fine's presentation, click the following link, https://youtu.be/Su_yHu1gC-M