With the aid of a slide presentation President Jim Drubert ran the show at our Club Assembly, updating our members as to club goals and roles.
Jim reminded us that our annual Holiday Dinner will be handled in conjunction with the Frankfort Rotary Club on December 19 at Crystal Mountain.
Val provided an update on our Youth Programs. Our 7th Grade Service Above Self day has been discontinued, but in September we will help Interact students clean up Beulah Beach. In early October we will again provide chaperones for NMCs "Building Tomorrow" event.
Pat Kiely and Bruce Wildie reviewed the financial results from this year's Golf Outing and talked about the next outing on September 8. We had numerous sponsors this year but needed more golfers. Club members are urged to help put together teams, secure more sponsors and help get raffle items.
According to Bruce Gerhart, plans are well underway for this year's Bike Benzie Tour on June 1-- an "All hands on deck!" event. We should encourage friends and family to register early.
Val clarified the situation with respect to grants:
- District Match Grant for band instrument replacement was approved but the District match was reduced for reasons Val explained.
- A Grants Committee of 2-3 people will be formed to identify future District Match Grant recipients.
- Regional Match Grant from GTRCF & Rotary Charities--the recipient this year was BACN's Adult Learner Educational Fund, a pilot program.
There are three ways to give through Rotary:
- The Rotary Foundation (TRF)
- GTRCF & Rotary Charities Matching Program
- Benzie Sunrise Rotary Foundation
Finally, Club Treasurer Phyllis Kladder provided financial data showing the funds we raised and the recipients of our gifts.