Today Dave Wynne, President of the Benzie Sunrise Rotary Foundation, presided over the group's annual meeting.
The Foundation's mission is to support projects that will assist in the development of our youth and enhance the quality of life in our community.  The primary function of the annual meeting is the election of Foundation officers and directors.  Dave will continue as President and Phyllis Kladder will remain as Treasurer.  A new Secretary will be chosen by the Board to take over with Gaia Pampu's departure.  Continuing as Directors will be Jim Drubert, Carol Burns, Phil Lambert, Paul Clulo and Gary Gordon.  Warren Richter was also elected to the Board.
With his PowerPoint presentation Dave explained how the Foundation functions.  Its sources of revenue are Bike Benzie Sponsorships, Member Donations, GTRCF Matching  and  GTRCF Endowment. At present the Fund's resources are $32,697 in Honor Bank, $53,293 in GTRCF Endowment and $4,200 in the Fisher Fund.
The Board reviews grant applications quarterly.  In 2022-2023 the Fund awarded $19,250 to nine recipients.  In 2023-2024 the Board awarded $23,227 to eleven grantees.