Kelly Ottinger is the Director of Development and Communications for Benzie Senior Resources. She summarized the work being done at BSR and its reason for seeking a millage increase.
BSR serves serves Benzie County residents age 60 and above--some 37% of the County population. BSR's current millage (providing 53% of its funding) expires on December 31. Over the past five years service demand has increased by 25%, while at the same time expenses have increased by 25%. The requested .15 mills increase (from .85 to 1 mill) would allow BSR to keep pace with the growing number of Benzie County seniors needing assistance.
Despite increased fundraising efforts, without the millage increase BSR would need to consider cuts to the agency's 25 programs and services. Millage dollars support Programs and services only. The average impact to residents with a home valued at @250,000 would be $19.00 per year. Further information about BSR and its many services is available on BSR's website.